Sigewif Epic Bee Poem

See more at Patreon where you can receive discounts on my work and poem progress.

Fair kingdoms afield heard word far and wide

Of the beauty and bounty that Queen Sigga bore

But mindful of fame must those be who find it.

For one who heard word of her wonder… waged war.

Those were fierce warriors! Far would they fare!

Riding the roads of the valley and vale-

Careful concealment of course and of causeway,

Assured their assault would in secret assail

The bold hall of Sigga. But Beofrith heard this,

That warrior well known! He gathered the war band

And garnered together the greatest of Geats-

The bravest and boldest throughout all the land.

I went with those warriors, harp in my hand!

For wise was the word of Sigga well known.

The joy of her hall and the justness of cause

Deemed  well worth defending for honor alone.

Announcing Ulfworks

I’ve been considering how to integrate with my new re-enactment focused business and decided to brand it Ulfworks. Just bought the domain. For now there should be a redirect here coming, but I’ll build a more click and buy website for more semi / production work and name recognition in that world. More Ulf coming!

Fall Honey Available

More honey! I harvested more late Summer and some dark Fall honey. This harvest is less malty and more citrussy than the Mid-Summer, and the specifically chosen Fall honey (darker in the picture,) is AMAZING… goldenrod, knotweed & asters. A local neighbor won an international honey competition with this Fall honey last year. It’s that good. $20 / pint / 1.1 lb for Summer, $30 for Fall. (Worth it!) Shipping usually $10 USPS. Inquire!

New Venues

I’ve done re-enactment of various sorts since I was a teenager, but mostly enjoyed the armored combat. I’ve decided to start merchanting at events; selling honey, jewelry & blades. Will still gladly make damascus rings, but the wedding industry has really slowed down since covid as far as regular business goes, so here’s to a few fun new avenues.