Fall Honey Available

More honey! I harvested more late Summer and some dark Fall honey. This harvest is less malty and more citrussy than the Mid-Summer, and the specifically chosen Fall honey (darker in the picture,) is AMAZING… goldenrod, knotweed & asters. A local neighbor won an international honey competition with this Fall honey last year. It’s that good. $20 / pint / 1.1 lb for Summer, $30 for Fall. (Worth it!) Shipping usually $10 USPS. Inquire!

New Venues

I’ve done re-enactment of various sorts since I was a teenager, but mostly enjoyed the armored combat. I’ve decided to start merchanting at events; selling honey, jewelry & blades. Will still gladly make damascus rings, but the wedding industry has really slowed down since covid as far as regular business goes, so here’s to a few fun new avenues.