Honey For Sale

I’ve got this year’s honey for sale… $20 per pint plus $10 for USPS Priority shipping. You can buy it on Etsy if you like: Etsy Store The honey has lovely citrus & malt note, from Vermont’s abundance of wildflowers. I keep my bees as organically as possible, and proceeds…

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Saber Nearly Complete

Final fitting & polishing all done. Now to just set the garnet eye stones & get it gold plated. Waiting on the setter and then the plater is unfortunately going to take about a full month, but I’ll definitely be posting pics and videos when it is complete. 🙂

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Amber Sigewif Necklaces

Here are some amber & silver enameled Sigewif necklaces. They are inspired by two gold plates from Ancient Crete depicting the Melissa, or the bee nymphs that fed the infant Zeus. They are the official badge of Sigewif. 😉 I will make more jewelry & objects inspired by the story…

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Enameled Pendants & Pins

I am adding enameling to the arsenal… I will have silver enameled pins and pendants, with amber beaded necklaces for sale soon. The image is inspired by two gold press-plates from ancient Crete, depicting a Melissa, or bee nymph in the British Museum. Patreon & Locals subscribers will receive discount…

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Shepherd’s Axe

The shepherd’s axe is a fairly common thing in Eastern Europe and goes by many names… fokos, ciapuga, valaska, and certainly others. It’s for walking in the countryside with a dash of self defense. Wolves? Brigands? Trolls? You decide. They’re very fun.

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Spring Hive Inspection

Today was a good day to check in with the surviving hives and see how everyone made it through Winter. We’ve had an unusual stretch of beautiful weather here in the mountains of Vermont and I wanted to give the hives some time to enjoy it before I went in…

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