Sigewif Bee Pins

I’m going to be making more jewelry inspired by Ancient things & maybe a dash of Art Nouveau. I like making swords and blades, but sometimes I get very, very sick of sanding steel. I can see why the Japanese just forge that baby and send it to a guy…

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Secrets of Meadmaking

Pro tip for cold climates & mead brewing. Mead likes to ferment at 70-78F. In my experience, cold temps can extend the primary ferment by 3-4 months. When it’s well below zero here in the Green Mountains, I let the wood stove stoke overnight and the house can get down…

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Recording Sigewif

So. An experiment in posting via my iPad whilst cooking stainless billets in the forge… LOL. They must be held at high temp for quite some while with little to do but watch, and keep things smooth and even before the Big Squish. Voila! I think this will work. How…

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Saga of Sigewif

I have kept bees for well over a decade now. They are magical and more interesting than I ever thought they would be. I had a dream one late Winter about being a bee and flying low over the snow, looking for little purple flowers. I did not know at…

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New Website Is Live…

It’s been 20 years of handwriting HTML… so this should make some things easier, like using my site on a mobile. Check out my social media on the right… errr, or on the bottom if you’re on a phone, as I diversify my presence… give the Patreon a try! There’s…

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