I’ve have had a few inquiries lately, and yes, I am still making the stainless damascus rings. I do, however, expect another very subdued wedding band season as we head into 2021, so I am also working on the Saga of Sigewif and putting more time and energy into multi-media endeavors which will hopefully allow me to make some very fun and exciting things from the story, like epic swords, and fairy-tale jewels. We shall see!
But for now, here’s a recently completed ring, lined in 14K gold, in my Star pattern, with a squared shape. It was fun to line up the pattern with the shape, as that pattern does tend to have four “sides” to it, which are mirrored on opposite ends. That’s the kind of detail you won’t get from the factories out there.
Be sure to see my gallery at
And read the single most comprehensive FAQ on the subject of damascus rings, dispelling many a myth, at:
Damascus Ring FAQ